

Service concept

l  All-round technology

l  Round the clock service

l  User value enhancement

l  Self – value embodiment


Code of Conduct

l  Integrity, punctuality, arrival on time to the problem site

l  Attention to etiquette, presenting self-introduction at the first visit

l  Rigorous and careful, checking out problems before solving it

l  Normative and professional, operation in the standard process;

l  Serious and responsible, completely solving the problem, cleaning the site before leaving.


Service Promise

l  Rapid response within 30 minutes, solution providing within 2hours, arrival at customer site within 1 day;

l  Customer orientation with all-round service, 100% problem solving;

l  A regular visit to prevent fault and provide comprehensive system training and support.

l  A regular visit to prevent fault and provide comprehensive system training and support.

中华人民共和国《互联网药品信息服务资格证书》编号:(沪)-非经营性-2011-0174      Terms of use

copyright:蓝怡科技集团    Technical support: Zhulu

Official account
